SJ Philharmonic Orchestra Concert in 2018
これは既に終了した演奏会です。日時: 2018年8月12日(日)
杉並公会堂 大ホール
Richard Wagner:
Rienzi Overture
Yan Yin Wing:
From Symphony No.1
Camille Saint-Saens:
Cello Concert No.1
Cello: Noella Yan
Antonin Dvorak:
Symphony No.9
Yan Yin Wing
シンガポール駐在時代に BHSO(*)などで音楽活動をしていた日本人音楽愛好家を中心に、新たに結成されたオーケストラです。BHSOで演奏していた日本人は現在にいたるまで100名を超えますが、その時にお世話になった Yan氏を指揮者に迎えて、愛娘の Noella嬢をソリストに、さらに
SJ Philharmonic Orchestra (“SJPO”) consists of Japanese amateur musicians, who stayed in Singapore (as expats & their families) and played as BHSO(*) members. Over 100 of Japanese musicians have played (or currently play) at BHSO. Members who share the same thoughts and memories of music life in Singapore, decided to hold a concert and expand our Japan-Singapore relationship through music by inviting Mr.Yan as our guest conductor and Ms.Noella Yan (daughter of Mr.Yan) as the Violoncello soloist, along with Singaporean BHSO members who support our idea.
(*)BHSO : Braddell Heights Symphony Orchestra
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